Veterans Benefits Planning

Pasadena Veterans Benefits Planning Attorney

Millions of veterans and their loved ones are eligible for Veterans Benefits but do not receive them. This tragic situation is the result of many factors, including confusion about what benefits are available, requirements for eligibility and the complex nature of the application process itself. As an accredited VA Benefits planning attorney, Ms. Terzian will assist you in meeting eligibility requirements and navigating through the application process in order to start receiving benefits.

Eligible veterans and their families can receive all of the following benefits and more:

  • Dependency, Disability and Indemnity Compensation
  • Employment Training
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Parents
  • Special Monthly Compensation
  • Survivor Benefits
  • Health Care
  • Life Insurance
  • Burial and Memorial
  • Death Pension

The Aid and Attendance Program

One of the little known and sadly underutilized Veterans Benefits is the Aid and Attendance Improved Pension Program. It is available to veterans, or their widowed spouses, in situations where the veteran served 90 days or more of active duty, with one of these days occurring during a period of wartime. An eligible veteran can potentially receive over $23,000 per year for assistance with medical expenses and long-term care. The eligible veteran’s widowed spouse can potentially receive over $12,500 per year.

This program allows an eligible veteran or widowed spouse to pay anyone, including their children, for home care. It can also be used to help cover the cost of professional care in the home, as well as rent in an assisted living facility or nursing home. Prescription drugs, insurance premiums, copays and much more are also available through the program.

The Aid and Attendance Pension Program is an invaluable way for veterans and their families to get the long-term care they need. Please contact us today to learn more about this program, and other Veterans Benefits. We can quickly determine whether you are eligible, streamline the application process, and help you get all the benefits to which you may be entitled.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

For more information about our unique programs, please contact us today and schedule an initial consultation.